ISB News

ISB’s Dr. Nathan Price Inducted into AIMBE’s College of Fellows 


Nathan Price, PhD

ISB Associate Director and Professor Dr. Nathan Price

ISB Associate Director and Professor Dr. Nathan Price has earned one of the highest professional distinctions a medical and biological engineer can achieve: induction into the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering‘s (AIMBE) College of Fellows.

Price was nominated, reviewed, and elected by peers and members of the College of Fellows for his contributions deriving medical and biological insights from large-scale data analysis and network modeling, and translating those insights to society.

“I am honored to be selected as an AIMBE Fellow and to join a wonderful community of scholars in advancing medical and biological engineering contributions to benefit society, something very much on all our minds especially at this time,” Price said.

Price co-leads ISB’s Hood-Price Lab for Systems Biomedicine with genomics pioneer and ISB co-founder Dr. Lee Hood

The College of Fellows comprises the top two percent of medical and biological engineers, and membership honors those who have made contributions to engineering and medicine research, practice, or education, and to the pioneering of new and developing fields of technology, making major advancements in traditional fields of medical and biological engineering, or developing/implementing innovative approaches to bioengineering education.

Nathan Price is a most unusual bioengineer — he has a deep interest in big data from individual humans and deep insights into many human biological challenges (e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease and human aging and longevity),” said Hood. “Nathan’s election to the AIMBE’s College of Fellows is a well-deserved honor.”

With his induction, Price joins a distinguished group of professionals. AIMBE Fellows include three Nobel Prize laureates, 18 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Science and/or Technology and Innovation, and 173 also inducted to the National Academy of Engineering, 84 inducted to the National Academy of Medicine and 37 inducted to the National Academy of Sciences. 

In 2019, Price was selected by the National Academy of Medicine as one of their 10 Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine.

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