ISB News

AmeriCorps Member Sarah Clemente Joins ISB as Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassador Coordinator

Sarah Clemente

Sarah Clemente recently joined ISB Education as a Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassador Coordinator, and is the third AmeriCorps member to work with us. 

In this Q&A, Clemente talks about her education, what she hopes to accomplish over the next year, and more. 

Read on, and get to know Sarah Clemente. 

ISB: How long have you been in the AmeriCorps?

Sarah Clemente: I am new to the AmeriCorps program as of September 16, 2023, so this will be my first year serving. 

ISB: What was it that attracted you to ISB?

SC: I made my way to ISB through a search on the Washington Service Corps website for King and Pierce county positions open for service members. The description of the position with ISB is what drew me in initially. It was an opportunity to work with aspiring students to mentor their environmental health projects. 

ISB: What projects are you working on (or will you be working on)

SC: Systems Thinkers in STEM Ambassador program. 

What do you hope to accomplish in your time at ISB?

SC: I aim to learn more about systems biology, expand my own knowledge in environmental sciences and interdisciplinary work to solve complex problems of communities, and give back by creating greener, more sustainable spaces. 

ISB: What is your education trajectory? 

SC: My education trajectory is in the planning stages. Although I have gained my undergrad degree from UW Tacoma, I am looking into continuing on to a graduate school/degree. However, I am not sure on what subject area to pursue. 

ISB: What are your career aspirations? 

SC: I aspire to spend time in a career that strengthens our urban spaces by making them sustainable, environmentally healthy and accessible to everyone.

ISB: What do you do when you’re not working?

SC: My hobbies include Scottish drumming, creating art from recycled materials and reading new novels. 

ISB: What book are you reading?

SC: I am currently reading “One-Straw Revolution: An Introduction to Natural Farming” by Masanobu Fukuoka. Although it was originally published in 1975, Masanobu focuses on natural, minimally invasive farming techniques that prove to have healthier yields and soil year after year. I am fascinated by agriculture, big and small. Moreover, I want to know how to incorporate permaculture, food forests and community gardens throughout urban spaces. 

ISB: What special skill would people be surprised to learn about you?

SC: I am a skilled navigator. 

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