ISB News

Illustration of a person using a katana to slash a coronavirus in half

COVID-19 Immune Response Study Could Lead to More Effective Treatments

Findings from the ISB-Swedish COVID-19 Immune Response Study suggest that treatments aimed at arresting the infection at the stage of moderate severity may be most effective. The team studied 139 patients and found that mild COVID-19 is very distinct from the moderate or severe forms of disease, which appear surprisingly similar. 

Dr. Jim Heath and Dr. David Eagleman

David Eagleman and Creating New Senses for Humans

Dr. David Eagleman — bestselling author, TV personality, CEO of Neosensory, adjunct professor at Stanford, TED speaker, and more — was the featured guest at the ISB-Town Hall Seattle event focusing on brain health. His presentation was titled “Can We Create New Senses for Humans?”

Reich, Heath on Vaccines

Dr. Jennifer Reich Talks Vaccines and COVID In ISB-Town Hall Seattle Livestream

Sociologist Dr. Jennifer Reich, author of “Calling the Shots,” was the featured speaker of a virtual event hosted by ISB and Town Hall Seattle. She discussed the complex and increasingly political world of vaccines, how vaccines are viewed as a personal consumption product vs. a public health solution, COVID-19 vaccine development, and more.

Knatokie Ford and Jim Heath

Dr. Knatokie Ford Shares STEM Journey, Learnings and Advice in ISB-Town Hall Seattle Livestream

Dr. Knatokie Ford was the featured speaker of a virtual event hosted by ISB and Town Hall Seattle, and shared many of the experiences that helped pave her way to become a leading voice in STEM policy and advocacy, and identified several ways parents and teachers can encourage kids to become tomorrow’s STEM professionals.

Corresponding author and ISB President Dr. Jim Heath and lead author Dr. Yapeng Su.

For Cancer Cells, There Is More Than One Path to Drug Resistance

In findings published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers show that cancer cells can take more than one path to reach a drug-resistant cell state. These findings could have promising implications for the future of cancer care.

Illustration of a person using a katana to slash a coronavirus in half

Merck, ISB, Swedish Collaborate In Trial to Understand, Treat COVID-19

ISB and Swedish Medical Center launched a study to follow hundreds of patients who contract COVID-19 to learn why those infected have drastically different outcomes. “Each of the COVID-19 patients has a unique lesson to teach us about how the medical and scientific community can respond most effectively to this pandemic,” said ISB President Dr. Jim Heath, who co-leads the study.

Dr. Jim Heath

ISB Marking 20th Anniversary with Year-Long Celebration

Letter from the president: Dr. Jim Heath announces the kickoff of a 2020 celebration marking ISB’s 20th anniversary. The year-long celebration will include an ISB-Town Hall Seattle speaker series focusing on some of the most important topics in science and health care.

ISB Unveils New Brand Ahead of 20th Anniversary

We created a new brand identity — including logo and tag line — to reflect ISB’s evolution since our inception in 2000, and ahead of our 20th anniversary. ISB is proud to be a part of the vibrant research community in Seattle, and is committed to translational and collaborative science.

New Method to Detect, Analyze Rare T Cells Another Step Toward Personalized Cancer Vaccines

Members of ISB’s Heath Lab and their collaborators have developed a way to sensitively detect and analyze neoantigen-specific T-cell populations from tumors and blood. This promising development may have implications for creating targeted, individual-specific cancer vaccines.

Dr. Mary Kay Ross

ISB, BHRI Collaborate to Better Understand Significant Brain Impairment

ISB has entered into a scientific partnership with the Brain Health & Research Institute (BHRI), which opens its doors on September 3 in Seattle. BHRI was created by brain health expert Dr. Mary Kay Ross, and is dedicated to the evaluation, prevention, and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease and dementia.

Spotlight on Caroline Cannistra, ISB Systems Research Scholar

Caroline Cannistra joined ISB in 2018 as a Systems Research Scholar. The Systems Research Scholars Program provides recent college undergraduates a springboard to become the next generation’s pioneers of interdisciplinary scientific research.

‘Reimagine,’ ISB’s annual fundraiser, raises nearly $35,000 for groundbreaking science

About 75 people attended “Reimagine,” ISB’s annual fundraiser, and contributed nearly $35,000 to accelerate groundbreaking research. The event was held at The Ruins, and featured presentations by legendary biologist and ISB Co-founder Dr. Lee Hood and renowned scientist and ISB President Dr. Jim Heath.

Brain health expert Dr. Mary Kay Ross

Brain Health & Research Institute Enters Scientific Partnership with ISB

Brain health expert Dr. Mary Kay Ross announced the creation of the Brain Health & Research Institute (BHRI) in Seattle, and a scientific collaboration with ISB. Through that partnership, BHRI will blend the practical application of medical therapies and treatment protocols with ten advanced scientific analysis now available through personalized medicine and computational biology.

Qiang Tian, MD, PhD

ISB’s Dr. Qiang Tian Joins Shanghai’s National Research Center for Translational Medicine

In the two decades since joining Dr. Lee Hood as a postdoc, Dr. Qiang Tian has made a tremendous impact on ISB’s science and culture. March 31 is his final day at ISB, as he is returning to China and joining Shanghai’s National Research Center for Translational Medicine.

Ozy’s ‘Future of X’ Podcast Features Drs. Jim Heath, Lee Hood

ISB President Dr. Jim Heath and ISB Co-founder Dr. Lee Hood are prominently featured in a new podcast created by Ozy, the popular news website. The podcast is called “The Future of X.” In the series’ first episode, Heath and Hood discuss cancer immunotherapy, personalized health care, and more.

Lee Hood at Visions of the Future

‘Visions of the Future’ Symposium Honors Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th Birthday

An impressive lineup of renowned researchers gathered at ISB recently for a one-day symposium, titled “Visions of the Future,” to honor ISB co-founder Dr. Lee Hood on his 80th birthday. Presenters included Drs. Irv Weissman, Ralph Snyderman, Ellen Rothenberg, Roger Perlmutter, Jim Heath, Trey Ideker, and more.

ISB President Dr. Jim Heath

ISB President Dr. Jim Heath Awarded $750,000 from Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment

The Andy Hill Cancer Research Endowment (CARE) announced $750,000 in grant funding for Dr. Jim Heath’s work on proactive cancer immunotherapies for initial and recurrent disease. This is the first stage of a planned longer program led by Jim and ISB, and involving Swedish Cancer Institute, Earl A. Chiles Research Institute in Portland, and UW Medicine.

ISB Board Members Dr. Christine Schaeffer and Douglas Howe

ISB Foundation created to support research and education through philanthropy

The Institute for Systems Biology has created the ISB Foundation, which aims to implement fundraising programs to appeal to individual donors and foundations, provide support for capital expenditures for equipment or building additions, grow the ISB endowment, and create new endowed positions and programs.