ISB News

$500K Proof of Concept Grants Awarded to ISB Scientists

Photo: ISB’s Jennifer Smith speaks to Jose Banda, superintendent of Seattle Public Schools, in this archived photo. Jennifer just received a $250,000 grant from the Life Sciences Discovery Fund.

The Life Sciences Discovery Fund announced the recipients of $1.25 million in Proof of Concept grants. ISB’s Brady Bernard, of the Shmulevich Group, and Jennifer Smith, of the Aitchison Group, each will receive grants totaling almost $500,000. From the LSDF press release:

“For-profit and non-profit organizations in Washington state will receive $1.25M in Proof of Concept grant funding to accelerate the translation of promising health-related technologies from concept to commercialization, the Life Sciences Discovery Fund (LSDF) announced today. Also announced was $2.4M in Opportunity grants for two major research and development initiatives.”
Brady Bernard’s project: Development of Interactive Exploration and Analysis Apps for Cancer Genomics

Objective: To develop web-based tools for analysis of cancer genetic data to advance understanding of tumor biology, accelerate new discoveries, and, in the long term, facilitate personalized therapy

Jennifer Smith’s project: Development of an Indicator Cell Assay for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease from Blood Samples

Objective: To develop a blood-based assay for pre-symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease to permit earlier intervention for affected individuals, monitor responses to treatment, and support drug trials

Read the full press release.

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