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Common immune response is found to be protective across many diseases
ISB researchers offer promising avenues for exploring multi-disease therapeutic strategies.
Link Between Inflammatory Disease, Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes Varies
The association between immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) and adverse pregnancy outcomes varies with the nature of IMID and the presence of comorbidities.
Comorbidities Weigh Heavily in Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease Pregnancy Outcomes
ISB Associate Professor Dr. Jennifer Hadlock discussed her recent paper showing that comorbidities play a major role in poor birth outcomes, such as preterm birth and low birth weight, in patients with specific autoimmune diseases.
Challenging Prevailing Narratives in Healthcare: A Focus on Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy, and the Importance of Critical Thinking
An ISB-led research project examining autoimmune disease and pregnancy was cited as an example of encouraging critical thinking.
T Cell Receptor Sequences Are the Dominant Factor Contributing to the Phenotype of CD8+ T Cells with Specificities Against Immunogenic Viral Antigens
ISB President Dr. Jim Heath talked with Science in Seattle in a wide-ranging interview that touched on his paper in Cell Reports showing how T-cell receptors form, his transition from chemistry to biology, challenges facing life scientists, and more.
Is AI the Cancer-Fighting Tool We’ve Been Waiting For?
As AI and new imaging tools give researchers vast amounts of data on tumors, they are winning some battles against cancer. ISB President Dr. Jim Heath was interviewed for this extensively reported feature story for Newsweek Magazine.
A Gut Feeling About Precision Medicine
ISB Associate Professor Dr. Sean Gibbons spoke with Mark O. Martin from the University of Puget Sound. Gibbons talked about how the study of host-associated microbial communities gives us insights into evolution, ecology and human health.
Institute for Systems Biology and NED Biosystems Will Collaborate to Reverse Cancer Onset
ISB and NED Biosystems will collaborate on an intriguing clinical trial that aims to use a cocktail of several marketed medications at low doses to reverse cancer’s onset or regrowth. ISB Co-founder Lee Hood and NED Biosystems founder and CEO Rebecca Lambert announced the deal.