Giving Priority Area: STEM Education

Help us make quality STEM education accessible to all.

By supporting the Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), you can join our commitment to make STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education a reality for every student.

student working in a lab

Alexia Changalpet interned at ISB as a STAR fellow, which is a program that brings preservice teachers and teachers into research labs to get hands-on experience. Her mentors, Claudia Ludwig and N. Jan Chalupny, are part of the Baliga Lab’s Systems Education Experiences program. Photo credit: ISB.

Banner image for STEM Literacy

Image of hands raised in the classroom, recolored blue, composed with the ISB secondary icon for STEM education.

Increasing Science Literacy

ISB Education, the education team at ISB, is advancing STEM education by bringing hands-on, real-world science into classrooms. Our innovative programs reach over 100,000 students and support more than 200 educators and administrators annually, driving systemic change in education.

The ISB Education team works tirelessly to bring cutting-edge science to every student. From dynamic “students as scientists” programs to comprehensive educator resources, our initiatives ignite curiosity and build confidence in future STEM leaders.

Your support can help ISB Education create a brighter, more scientifically literate tomorrow.

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Sara Calder, left, and Claudia Ludwig.

2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights

In the final installment of the 2023-24 academic year roundup, we highlight some of the top projects the ISB Education team is working on. Throughout the summer, the ISB Education team was busy publishing research in a special edition of Connected Science Learning, hosting interns, and much more.

2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights
2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights