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Personalizing nutrition based on the gut microbiome
Metabolically speaking, not everyone responds the same to the same foods. Dr. Sean Gibbons was interviewed for this story highling Gibbons Lab research examining if they could use a model they created to design personalized interventions to optimize the production of short chain fatty acids.
How often you poop can affect your health well beyond the gut, study suggests
Dr. Sean Gibbons was interviewed for this story focusing on his research that found a link between bowel movement frequency and overall health.
Here’s what your pooping frequency says about your health
Science reporter Torah Kachur interviewed Dr. Sean Gibbons for this radio report showing that the frequency of your bowel movements can tell you a lot about your health.
Gut Microbiome ‘Digital Twin’ Simulates Personalized Responses to Diet
Drs. Sean Gibbons, Nick Quinn-Bohmann, and Christian Diener are quoted in this story detailing their novel way of simulating a personalized, microbiome-mediated response to diet.
Illuminating our Microbial Support System to Improve Health
Dr. Sean Gibbons Gibbons is featured in a video for the Environmental Health and Microbiome Research Center (EHMBRACE).
A Gut Feeling About Precision Medicine
ISB Associate Professor Dr. Sean Gibbons spoke with Mark O. Martin from the University of Puget Sound. Gibbons talked about how the study of host-associated microbial communities gives us insights into evolution, ecology and human health.
Is This Microbiome Startup Selling a Wellness Fantasy?
Sean Gibbons was quoted in this Bloomberg Businessweek story examining Viome and the often questionable microbiome-wellness startup space.
Computer Model Identifies Which Species Are Important in a Healthy Microbiome
ISB researchers collaborated on an international research project that found a way to determine which species in the gut are important and how they interact to create a healthy microbiome.