ISB Labs

Baliga Lab
The Baliga Lab, led by Dr. Nitin Baliga, develops models of biological systems, from single cells to communities of multiple organisms, that accurately predict adaptation to environmental changes.

Gibbons Lab
The Gibbons Lab, led by Dr. Sean Gibbons, develops experimental and computational approaches to dissect and engineer the functional outputs of the human gut microbiome to advance personalized medicine.

Hadlock Lab
The Hadlock Lab, led by Dr. Jennifer Hadlock, conducts translational research to improve risk models for clinical decision support and investigates novel methods to accelerate research discovery.

Heath Lab
The Heath Lab, led by Dr. Jim Heath, works on challenging problems in translating precision medicine from benchtop to bedside, with a focus on oncology.

Health Data Science Lab
The Health Data Science Lab, led by Dr. Andrew Magis, develops approaches to better understand and prevent these complex diseases by collecting, analyzing, and translating multi-omic data into actionable clinical insights for physicians and patients.

Hood Lab
The Hood Lab, led by Dr. Lee Hood, is integrating biology, technology and computational science to enable a predictive, personalized, preventive and participatory (P4) approach to medicine.

Huang Lab
The Huang Lab, led by Dr. Sui Huang, studies how gene regulatory networks control gene activity to create stable cellular states, like different cell types, and how these states transition, such as stem cells differentiating into specialized blood cells.

Kane Lab
The Kane Lab, led by Dr. Alice Kane, is interested in identifying biological determinants of frailty in order to understand more about the molecular underpinnings of frailty and aging, to develop predictive biomarkers of frailty, and to identify targets to delay or prevent frailty.

Kuchina Lab
The Kuchina Lab, led by Dr. Anna Kuchina, develops and applies single-cell genomic and imaging approaches for understanding the behavior of bacterial communities such as biofilms and microbiota at the level of an individual organism.

Moritz Lab
The Moritz Lab develops and applies quantitative protein chemistry and proteomic techniques to advance biomedical research, and improve treatments and therapies for diseases such as cancer, emphysema, Lyme, and malaria.

Ranish Lab
The Ranish Lab, led by Dr. Jeff Ranish, develops and applies proteomics approaches to study protein interactions and the composition and architecture of large molecular complexes.

Subramanian Lab
The Subramanian Lab, led by Dr. Naeha Subramanian, seeks to extend investigations into innate immunity and NLR function using a combination of imaging, microarray, proteomic and bioinformatics approaches.

Thorsson-Shmulevich Lab
The Thorsson-Shmulevich Lab, led by Dr. Vésteinn Thorsson, develops and applies computational and mathematical approaches for modeling biological systems and analyzing large-scale data sets.

Venkatesh Lab
The Venkatesh Lab, led by Dr. Sid Venkatesh, has long-term goals to define general principles of molecular recognition in the gut and to elucidate mechanisms by which microbial metabolites impact human physiology and health.

Wei Lab
The Wei Lab, led by Dr. Wei Wei, works in the highly cross-disciplinary field of BioMEMS, molecular and cellular analysis, and systems biomedicine.