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Decoding your diet from your stool DNA
ISB's Gibbons Lab developed a breakthrough method that analyzes food-derived DNA in fecal metagenomes, allowing for data-driven diet tracking without the need for burdensome questionnaires.
Groundbreaking Research Reveals Unseen Mechanisms of Immune Response
ISB’s Heath Lab discovered key insights into how T cells – the body’s frontline immune soldiers – respond to infections like COVID-19.
How Precision Medicine Will Shape the Future of Health Tech and Patient Care
Lee Hood discussed the practicalities of turning a disease care system into a health maintenance system and more.
Systems Biology, Personalized Medicine, AI & the Future of Health
Nick Jikomes interviewed Lee Hood and talked about systems biology, big data in biology, AI integration, drug development, new therapeutic avenues, and more.
NIH Researchers Discover Novel Class of Anti-Malaria Antibodies
Kristian Swearengen helped develop a novel class of antibodies that binds to a previously untargeted portion of the malaria parasite – work that could lead to new prevention methods.
New Resource for Classifying Cancer Subtypes for Better Diagnosis
Thorsson-Shmulevich Lab members helped create a free resource to aid in the classification of patient tumor samples based on distinct molecular features identified by The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Network.
Revolutionizing Healthcare Through Scientific Wellness & Genomics
In this podcast interview, Lee Hood discussed how combining genomics, technology, and artificial intelligence could democratize healthcare around the world.
AI’s Potential and Pitfalls In Scouring Health Data
Jennifer Hadlock and her team identified some strengths and limitations of using artificial intelligence to analyze information from electronic health records.