Media Coverage (Healthy Aging)
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Personalized Healthcare is More Effective and it's Already Here
Dr. Lee Hood spoke with Drs. Grant Cooper and Zinovy Meyler for an interview that spanned the transformative role of AI in healthcare, and much more.
The Age of Scientific Wellness …
Drs. Lee Hood and Nathan Price were podcast guests, where they discussed scientific wellness, genome sequencing, genetic vs. lifestyle risks, direct-to-consumer testing, and more.
Adding lifestyle coaching to treatment decreases cognitive decline in early Alzheimer’s
McKnights Senior Living published a news story detailing results from the ISB-led Coaching for Cognition in Alzheimer’s (COCOA) trial showing that supplementing the standard of care for early-stage Alzheimer’s disease with lifestyle coaching leads to less cognitive decline.
A systems biology perspective on the gut microbiome
ISB Associate Professor Dr. Sean Gibbons was a guest on the ISAPP Science, Microbes & Health podcast. In this episode, Gibbons talked about exploring and manipulating the complex ecology of the microbiome with the aim of engineering outputs of this system, as well as the utility of AI in microbiome science and how the microbiome will play a role in personalized medicine in the future, including in the delivery of probiotics and prebiotics.
What the young can give to the old
The Economist highlights work by several ISB researchers showing that gut microbiome patterns reflect healthy aging and predict survival in humans. The work was originally published in the scientific journal Nature Metabolism.
The Next Revolution In Medicine: Scientific Wellness, AI And Disease Reversal
Lee Hood and Nathan Price were guests on the Doctor’s Farmacy podcast, and spoke with Dr. Mark Hyman about the future of personalized healthcare through scientific wellness, how AI is changing the medical industry, and much more.
How Assessing Biological Age Improves Wellness
Lee Hood and Nathan Price discuss their approach to scientific wellness – distilling data into a simple, actionable measurement: biological age. Their goal is to leverage technology to compile data from the brain, body, gut microbiome, and more to create a model for scientific wellness.
A race against time: How science and technology are being used to delay aging
Dr. Lee Hood is featured in a CBC News story and video, and discusses using data to transform health, designing customized wellness plans based on individuals’ genetic risk profiles, and more.