Education Initiatives

Fostering quality STEM education
for all.

The ISB Education team works with students, teachers, principals, and other district leaders — every part of the education system — to bring engaging STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education to K-12 students. Each year, our programs reach and inspire over 200 teachers, 100 district administrators, and 100,000 students.

woman in a lab

Former summer intern in the lab at ISB. Image credit: ISB.

We bring real-world science to the classroom.

The ISB Education team involves ISB researchers to support students to learn science through interactive and hands-on experiences. One-third of ISB employees volunteer with our education programs, helping to develop curriculum, train teachers, and provide instruction, working one-on-one with students.

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ISB Education to the Rescue!

We made this short video to help describe the various ways we interact with every part of the school system, from principals to teachers and of course to students.

Meet the Education Directors

caroline kiehle

Caroline Kiehle

“As Director of the Logan Center for Education, I partner with educators and administrators throughout Washington’s education system. These collaborations promote systemic change increase science literacy, and open learning pathways for their students.”

Visit Logan Center Website
claudia ludwig

Claudia McLaughlin Ludwig

“As Director of Systems Education Experiences (SEE), I work with students, teachers, and STEM professionals. Together, we translate ISB research into hands-on experiences for classrooms and out-of-school programs. The resources and programs we create serve communities across the globe by improving STEM literacy and access.”

Visit SEE Website

Education Initiatives

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Systemic Change

Building a foundation of STEM literacy for all students

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Students as

Engaging the next generation of STEM thinkers

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Bringing today’s science concepts into the classroom

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STEM Leaders

Celebrating champions of K-12 science education

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Initiative: Fostering Systemic Change

ISB is building a foundation of STEM literacy for all students.

We work with teachers, principals, and district leaders to provide effective, hands-on science education for all students. Backed by district-wide involvement and support, we’re employing innovative professional development programs that will help build a future where students can learn science by doing it.

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Featured Programs

renton school district

Renton School District teacher in the classroom.

District-wide Systemic Change

Teachers, principals, and district leaders know the value of bringing engaging science education into their schools. The ISB Education team works with school districts to provide multi-year professional training for K-12 teacher teams because we understand the importance of the relationship between system-wide engagement and student advancement.

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P4P Workshop at ISB

Principles of Science for Principals

Science education is most effective when it’s grounded in real-world experiences and provides a better understanding of what it means to be a scientist. That’s why the ISB Education team hosts workshops where principals can learn innovative techniques for creating and refining plans that will bolster student interest, encourage them to pursue science careers and prepare them to thrive in a STEM-centric society.

WA State LASER Alliance Map

Map of Washington State LASER Alliances

Leadership Assistance for Science Education Reform (LASER)

Washington State LASER is a partnership between the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, statewide Education Service Districts, and ISB. it’s dedicated to the proposition that all students deserve equal access to quality science education. To that end, LASER promotes and creates opportunities for students to engage in high-impact STEM learning experiences.

Latest Education News

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Sara Calder, left, and Claudia Ludwig.

2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights

In the final installment of the 2023-24 academic year roundup, we highlight some of the top projects the ISB Education team is working on. Throughout the summer, the ISB Education team was busy publishing research in a special edition of Connected Science Learning, hosting interns, and much more.

2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights
2023-24 School Year ISB Education Highlights
Initiative: Students as Scientists

We are engaging the next generation of STEM thinkers.

The ISB Education team inspires students to explore, lead, and innovate in science through mentorship and community involvement. Our programs open doors and offer unique opportunities for students to become confident leaders and contributors to scientific research.

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Featured Programs

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Participants in LEADS at the lab at ISB.

Leadership Empowerment and Development in STEM (LEADS)

As part of our purpose to prepare students to live in a STEM-centric society, we believe in giving them the tools and support they will need to become leaders in their fields. The LEADS program helps high school students gain confidence, build leadership skills, expand connections, and achieve their career goals.

Ambassador STEAM

Systems Thinking in STEM Ambassadors at ISB.

Ambassadors of Systems Thinking in STEM

ISB is preparing the next generation of systems biology researchers. Every year a new cohort of over 100 high school students attend this multi-course program to learn about systems modeling and how to apply the systems approach in their own research and community action projects.

Former high school intern at ISB.

High School Internships

High school students are curious about and eager for hands-on science education opportunities. Our internships teach students about systems biology, provide mentorships with ISB researchers, and lead to a deeper understanding through research projects.

people working in a lab

Former undergraduate intern at ISB.

Research Opportunities in Systems Biology

Training in systems biology is not as widely available as it should be, which is why our team offers real lab experience every summer to undergraduate students who have a wide range of backgrounds, experiences, and career goals. This NSF-funded program allows them to conduct research side-by-side with experts in systems biology.

people working in a lab

“ISB has given me the opportunity to learn so much more than I do in school. I’ve been able to take my interests from inside the classroom and apply them in a way that makes a difference for the world. Getting to do research in high school and being able to see what working in a STEM field is like has been a very rewarding experience and has only strengthened my passion for science.”

Ilinca Hamza, Former ISB High School Intern
Initiative: Real-World Science

We are bringing today’s science concepts into the classroom.

The ISB Education team inspires students and teachers by providing access to innovative resources, interactive learning experiences, and cutting-edge tools. Through engaging, inquiry-based approaches, we give students the necessary skills to address complex scientific challenges as they prepare to join the next generation of leaders and problem solvers.

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Featured Programs

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Systems medicine graphic representing the various interconnected domains making up an individual’s health. Image credit: ISB.

Systems Medicine

The best time to educate students about the future of health is now. That’s why the ISB Education team has developed and continues to expand its high school course that teaches a systems approach to understanding wellness, predicting and preventing disease, personalizing treatments, and taking action for a healthier world.

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Virutal STEM workshop participant. Image credit: Steve Utaski/Remedy Pictures.

ClimeTime: Teachers Inspiring Science Students

During the pandemic, teachers searched for resources to meet the challenge of teaching science online. Our education team developed Systems Are Everywhere! – a four-hour online workshop that helps K-12 educators teach students how systems thinking can address environmental problems. This Washington State ClimeTime-funded workshop has reached over 600 teachers statewide and continues to evolve.

Invisible Forest working group

Group of SEE “Invisible Ocean” curriculum module developers working at ISB. Image credit: ISB.

STEM Curriculum Modules

Making science accessible and up to date in the classroom is challenging. The ISB Education team builds high school curriculum modules that bridge the gap between the science lab and the classroom. Each module is developed by educators, scientists, and teachers to turn the latest research into accessible, hands-on activities.

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Screenshot of an interactive virtual Next-Gen Bio workshop. Image credit: ISB.

Next-Gen Biology Learning Network

As educators prepare students for careers in STEM fields, it’s critical that lessons are based on real-world examples. Through this NSF-funded program, our education team hosts a workshop series that brings biologists and community college faculty together to incorporate cutting-edge big-data biology into current curriculum and enrich student outcomes.

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Former high school summer intern in the lab at ISB. Image credit: ISB.

How You Can Help


The Institute for Systems Biology knows how crucial STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education is — not just today, but every day. Our communities, schools, and students need us. And we need you to join our commitment to making STEM education a reality for every student.

Initiative: Honoring STEM Leaders

We are proud to celebrate the champions of K-12 science education.

Our commitment to bringing quality, contemporary science education to students began with Valerie Logan and Lee Hood when ISB was founded in 2000. It remains a key part of our identity today. This work couldn’t be done without the dedicated advocates within and outside ISB.

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Featured Awards

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Photo of Valerie Logan Hood (right) at the 2013 Valerie Logan Luncheon. Image credit: ISB.

Valerie Logan Award for Leadership in Science Education

Throughout her career, Valerie Logan Hood served as a visionary and active leader in science education. Her leadership helped to establish our commitment to education and to a vision that all students should have the opportunity to learn science. Since 2012, ISB has recognized outstanding leaders in science education in her honor.

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Photo of the Stirling Engine awards given out to STEM professionals. Image credit: ISB.

Awards to STEM Professionals

Since 2019, we have been recognizing STEM professionals at ISB with two awards that recognize their partnership and contributions to our education program. One is dedicated to long-time ISB volunteer, JoAnn Chrisman, and the other honors founding ISB Foundation Board member Dr. Christine Schaeffer. These awards are given to ISB staff members who have shown distinguished and exemplary service in support of our education programs.

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