ISB News

ISB at Town Hall: Systems Biology & the Brain

APRIL 3, 2013: The human brain and nervous system are extremely complex: When something goes wrong, it is typically difficult—if not impossible—to cure. Cancers of the brain are particularly malignant and, at some point, most families will encounter the devastating effects of other brain diseases such as Parkinson’s, ALS, bipolar disorder, or Alzheimer’s. Combining systems-level thinking and an interdisciplinary approach, researchers at Seattle’s Institute for Systems Biology are using cutting-edge…

Connecting the Dots: Obama’s Plan to Map the Brain

      What You Saw in the News: On Feb. 18, The New York Times published a front-page story headlined “Obama Seeking to Boost Study of Human Brain.” (Download PDF: ObamaNYTBrainMap.) While the administration has not formally announced this brain mapping project, the NYT was able to gather enough details from scientists involved in planning the project to publish a report. Participating government agencies and private foundations include the…