ISB News

965 Second Opinion: Getting past disease to the science of wellness

959 Second Opinion: The path toward an Alzheimer’s cure may not be a drug

820 People Are Just Figuring Out How BMI Was Originally Calculated

840 Opinion: New Alzheimer’s drugs are costly and controversial. Are we goign about this all wrong?

930 The new science of wellness

875 The AI will see you now

850 Can we cure dementia before it starts? He’s 84 and he’s trying

845 Lee Hood and Nathan Price on the future of medicine

825 Lee Hood Wants To Show You How To Live for a Really, Really Long Time

855 Could AI replace your doctor?

Scientific Wellness

Scientific Wellness embodies P4 medicine (predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory), and is being applied to help individuals improve their health. The platform provides new approaches for drug target discovery, and is driving profound economic, policy and social change.

Genome fingerprinting

Ultrafast Comparison of Personal Genomes

Genome sequences contain information with immense possibilities for research and personalized medical care, but their size, complexity and diversity make comparing sequences error-prone and slow. ISB researchers have created a method for summarizing a personal genome as a “fingerprint.”

P100 Cover

Pioneer 100 Study Show Data, Coaching Can Optimize Individual Wellness

Results from the Pioneer 100 Wellness Project, a nine-month study of 108 individuals, demonstrated that combining personal, dense, dynamic data clouds with tailored behavioral coaching can optimize wellness for individuals. These data clouds also can identify early transitions into disease states and facilitate the reversal of some disease states back to wellness.

100K Wellness Project

The Institute for Systems Biology (ISB) pioneered and has been recognized as the world leader in the systems approach to studying biology for the past 15 years. Guided by the vision of Dr. Lee Hood, ISB’s president and co-founder, ISB has also pioneered the concept of P4 Medicine (personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory). This combination of a systems biology approach with P4 Medicine led to ISB launching in 2014, and completing in 2015, a pilot study called the Hundred Person Wellness Project (HPWP).

‘Demystifying Disease, Democratizing Health Care’

In Science Translational Medicine, Dr. Lee Hood and Dr. Nathan Price, of Institute for Systems Biology, deliver an editorial stating the vision of the 100K Wellness Project. The project will track health-related data types for 100K individuals longitudinally over the course of 20-30 or more years.Dr. Lee Hood and Dr. Nathan Price, of Institute for Systems Biology, deliver an editorial stating the vision of the 100K Wellness Project. The project will track health-related data types for 100K individuals longitudinally over the course of 20-30 or more years.

Participatory Medicine is Revolutionizing Healthcare

Dr. Lee Hood and his colleague Dr. Charles Auffray, of the European Institute for Systems Biology & Medicine, published an editorial in Genome Medicine. Healthcare is undergoing a profound revolution as a consequence of three contemporary thrusts: systems medicine, big data and patient involvement in their own health through social networks. This convergence is leading to a medicine that is predictive, preventive, personalized and participatory (P4).