ISB News

Media Coverage

The new science of wellness →

In this special report, Scientific American explores how the emerging field of phenomics is merging modern science and technology with ancient and modern ways to keep people healthy to harness health-related data to stop disease before it starts.

Scientific American

Posted on December 7, 2022

COVID in the maternity ward →

ISB-led research published in The Lancet showing the impact of COVID-19 infection on birth outcomes was highlighted in this story by CBS News.

CBS News

Posted on February 6, 2022

A changing gut microbiome may predict how well you age →

Reporter Anahad O’Connor interviewed ISB Associate Professor and microbiome specialist Dr. Sean Gibbons about an ISB-led study showing how longevity may be possible to predict by analyzing the microbiota that inhabit our intestinal tract.

The New York Times

Posted on March 18, 2021

Op-Ed: How science education can stave off demagogues →

In this opinion piece for the Los Angeles Times, ISB Co-founder Dr. Lee Hood and author Matthew LaPlante detail how demagogues lead to “truth decay” – the degradation of confidence in science, expertise and the news media.

The Los Angeles Times

Posted on January 24, 2021

The germiest place in your bathroom isn’t your toilet →

ISB Associate Professor and microbiome specialist Dr. Sean Gibbons spoke with TIME about microbial bugs found in bathrooms and where they are most likely to thrive. (Hint: Think toothbrush holders, not toilet seats.)


Posted on April 25, 2019