Systems Medicine Education

The best time to prepare students for the future of health is now. That’s why ISB Education has developed and continues to expand its systems medicine course for high school students that teaches a systems approach to understanding health and wellness, predicting and preventing disease, personalizing treatments and to taking action for a healthier world.

systems medicine education graphic

What is Systems Medicine?

Systems medicine uses genetics, a breadth of personalized data, and tailored health coaching to proactively optimize wellness and minimize disease.

How can we integrate science and technology to optimize current health and future wellness for individuals and communities?

Systems Medicine Figure


To democratize the systems medicine approach, we need to:


We are developing a Systems Medicine Education curriculum for high school students to:


Students will be introduced to systems medicine through:


In Progress

  • Develop and optimize four connected curriculum modules and web resources


  • Broad dissemination through teacher training workshops

Initial funding provided by Douglas Howe, The Dean Witter Foundation, Dee Dickinson, and other major donors.

To share with others, please download the 1-page Systems Medicine Education information sheet.

For information on how you can be a part of this exciting education initiative, please contact Systems Education Experiences (SEE) at and view this page for more information.

HS intern
How You Can Help


The Institute for Systems Biology knows how crucial STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education is — not just today, but every day. Our communities, schools and students need us. And we need you. Join our commitment to make STEM education a reality for every student.