Noa Rappaport, PhD
Principal Scientist
Hood Lab
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Noa Rappaport received her Bachelor’s degree in Biology under the Technion Excellence Program in Israel. She did her masters and PhD with Professor Naama Barkai at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. The focus of her masters was mathematical models in yeast of biological timers and robust gradient detection. Her PhD was focused on studying the evolution of anti-fungal drug resistance.
During her post-doc at the lab of Professor Doron Lancet at the Weizmann Institute of science, she led the development of MalaCards — an integrated database of human diseases.
Her main interest is systems biology with the long-term goal to study how concepts such as control, regulation, program and function, emerge in complex biological systems. She is mainly interested in applying and developing mathematical methodologies and bioinformatic tools for studying the design principles of biological systems. Also, she is interested in studying how intricate web of interactions (among cellular components, among diseases etc.) affect function and how the network can be controlled by cellular context in a way that can be utilized for medical applications.
Bioinformatics, Mathematical modeling, Medical databases