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5 questions for Lee Hood
ISB Co-founder Dr. Lee Hood talks about his vision for “big data-driven health” and how it could revolutionize the healthcare industry, the psychological impact of longer lifespans for humans, and the earthquake AI has caused in health.
The Future of Medicine, with Dr. Leroy Hood and Dr. Nathan Price
Can chronic disease be prevented with data clouds, AI, genome testing and more? Can we add 50 years to our lives? Doctors Leroy Hood and Nathan Price outline what medicine will look like in the next 5 years – including the bright future of treatments for Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease.
Dr. Lee Hood & Dr. Nathan Price
Lee Hood and Nathan Price spoke with podcast hosts Robb Wilson and Josh Tyson about how AI and scientific thinking intersect with preventive medicine and longevity.
People Are Just Figuring Out How BMI Was Originally Calculated
Body mass index (BMI) is a long-used health indicator, but it comes with a long list of negatives. ISB researchers developed biological BMI that generates a more useful, actionable and accurate molecular score.
The future of medicine: What you need to know
In this wide ranging podcast interview, Lee Hood and Nathan Price discussed why we age and die, sick care vs. healthcare, chronological age, the gut microbiome, and much more.
Opinion: New Alzheimer’s drugs are costly and controversial. Are we goign about this all wrong?
There is tremendous market and media frenzy around new Alzheimer’s disease drugs, but their efficacy is contested while the potential of prevention is untapped and underreported, Drs. Lee Hood and Nathan Price wrote.
Lee Hood and Nathan Price on the future of medicine
Dax Shepard and Monica Padman interview Drs. Lee Hood and Nathan Price about their book, “The Age of Scientific Wellness,” and discuss how AI is changing the medical industry, how infectious disease has impacted our world, and more.
Can we cure dementia before it starts? He’s 84 and he’s trying
In this Bloomberg story, the efforts of ISB Co-founder Dr. Lee Hood using systems biology and personalized medicine to predict and prevent dementia are highlighted.