Drs. Serdar Turkarslan and Christian Diener

ISB Honors Researchers Who Give Back to STEM Education

This year, two deserving scientists were bestowed recognition for giving back to STEM education. Dr. Serdar Turkarslan is the recipient of the JoAnn Chrisman Award for Distinguished Service to STEM Education, and Dr. Christian Diener was awarded the Dr. Christine Schaeffer Award for Exemplary Service to STEM Education. 

ISB Honors Researchers Who Give Back to STEM Education
ISB Honors Researchers Who Give Back to STEM Education

Gut Microbiome Composition Predictive of Patient Response to Statins

New ISB research shows that different patient responses to statins can be explained by the variation in the human microbiome. The findings were published in the journal Med, and suggest that microbiome monitoring could be used to help optimize personalized statin treatments.

Gut Microbiome Composition Predictive of Patient Response to Statins
Gut Microbiome Composition Predictive of Patient Response to Statins
screenshot of video for Dr. Jack Gilbert on the State of the Microbiome Field

Dr. Jack Gilbert on the State of the Microbiome Field

In the final ISB-Town Hall Seattle Science Series of 2021, ISB Assistant Professor Dr. Sean Gibbons sat down with UCSD Professor Dr. Jack Gilbert, and the two microbiome experts discussed past research, exciting science happening today, promising products and therapies on the horizon, and much more. 

Dr. Jack Gilbert on the State of the Microbiome Field
Dr. Jack Gilbert on the State of the Microbiome Field
microbiome course banner

2021 ISB Virtual Microbiome Series

The 2021 ISB Virtual Microbiome Series highlighted recent advances toward understanding general patterns of commensal population genomic variation within the human gut, how fine-scale commensal genomic variation is influenced by host phenotypic variation, and whether or not commensal genomic variation has an impact on human health and disease.

2021 ISB Virtual Microbiome Series
2021 ISB Virtual Microbiome Series
Microbiome and weight loss

Can You Lose Weight? Ask Your Microbiome

The strongest associations with weight loss success or failure – independent of BMI – are found in the genetic capacity of the gut microbiome. These new findings open the door to diagnostic tests that can identify people likely to lose weight with healthy lifestyle changes and those who might need more drastic interventions.

Can You Lose Weight? Ask Your Microbiome
Can You Lose Weight? Ask Your Microbiome
screenshot of video for Personalized Nutrition and Your Gut Microbiome

Personalized Nutrition and Your Gut Microbiome

In ISB’s first-ever Research Roundtable event, Assistant Professor Dr. Sean Gibbons delivered a presentation titled “Gut-Check: Personalized Nutrition and Your Microbiome.” His talk covered a lot of ground, including recently published research showing how the health of our microbiomes can predict longevity, and how we can build and maintain a healthy gut microbiome. 

Personalized Nutrition and Your Gut Microbiome
Personalized Nutrition and Your Gut Microbiome
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