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ISB Researchers Find a Chink in the Armor of Tuberculosis Pathogen

By using a computer model to understand the adaptions of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), the pathogen that causes tuberculosis, researchers at ISB have identified a network within Mtb that allows it to tolerate and resist drug therapies. This work is published in Cell Reports.

ISB Researchers Find a Chink in the Armor of Tuberculosis Pathogen
ISB Researchers Find a Chink in the Armor of Tuberculosis Pathogen
Baliga Postdoctoral Fellow Training

ISB Creates Algorithms To Accelerate Discovery of Efficacious Treatments for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is the world’s second leading infectious disease killer after COVID-19. Drug resistance to TB is a public health crisis. ISB researchers have developed algorithms to predict the efficacy of drugs in treating Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), the causative agent for TB. These research findings were published in the journal Cell Reports Methods. 

ISB Creates Algorithms To Accelerate Discovery of Efficacious Treatments for Tuberculosis
ISB Creates Algorithms To Accelerate Discovery of Efficacious Treatments for Tuberculosis
Baliga, Peterson and Srinivas

ISB Creates PerSort, a New Cell Sorting Technology Aimed at Studying Drug Tolerance and Shortening Tuberculosis Treatment

ISB researchers Dr. Nitin Baliga, Dr. Eliza Peterson and Dr. Vivek Srinivas have developed a new cell sorting technology, called PerSort, that isolates and characterizes dormant persisters that exist in cultures of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen that causes tuberculosis.

ISB Creates PerSort, a New Cell Sorting Technology Aimed at Studying Drug Tolerance and Shortening Tuberculosis Treatment
ISB Creates PerSort, a New Cell Sorting Technology Aimed at Studying Drug Tolerance and Shortening Tuberculosis Treatment
ISB researchers

Unveiling the Guerrilla Warfare Tactics of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

ISB researchers have unveiled new insights on how Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the pathogen that causes tuberculosis, enters and exits a dormant state in human hosts. About a quarter of the world’s population has latent TB, so these important findings will enable and accelerate the discovery of more effective TB drugs.

Unveiling the Guerrilla Warfare Tactics of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Unveiling the Guerrilla Warfare Tactics of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Path-seq illustration

Seeing the Pathogen’s Perspective: ISB Researchers Develop Method to Profile Pathogen Gene Expression from Infected Host Cells

Researchers at ISB reported a novel method, Path-seq, to profile expression of all MTB genes within infected mice. This study presents the most comprehensive transcriptome profiling of MTB from in vivo infection and a major technical advancement for studying any host-pathogen interaction.

Seeing the Pathogen’s Perspective: ISB Researchers Develop Method to Profile Pathogen Gene Expression from Infected Host Cells
Seeing the Pathogen’s Perspective: ISB Researchers Develop Method to Profile Pathogen Gene Expression from Infected Host Cells