screenshot of virtual video call

Common Immune Response Protective Across Many Diseases

Infection, autoimmunity and cancer account for 40 percent of deaths worldwide. In a Cell Reports paper, ISB researchers detail how the human immune system works in common ways across diseases – findings that offer promising avenues for exploring multi-disease therapeutic strategies.

Common Immune Response Protective Across Many Diseases
Common Immune Response Protective Across Many Diseases
screenshot of video for Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy: ISB Study Challenges Prevailing Wisdom, Unveils Nuances

Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy: ISB Study Challenges Prevailing Wisdom, Unveils Nuances

An ISB-led study showed nuanced pregnancy outcomes for pregnant individuals with autoimmune disease. The findings reinforce that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and provides important new avenues for further investigation.

Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy: ISB Study Challenges Prevailing Wisdom, Unveils Nuances
Autoimmune Disease and Pregnancy: ISB Study Challenges Prevailing Wisdom, Unveils Nuances
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Reimagining Chronic Illness: A Conversation With Meghan O’Rourke

Author Meghan O’Rourke recently joined ISB President Dr. Jim Heath for a virtual fireside chat focused on reimagining chronic illness – also the topic of O’Rourke’s New York Times bestselling book. This event was the latest in the ISB-Town Hall Seattle Science Series.

Reimagining Chronic Illness: A Conversation With Meghan O’Rourke
Reimagining Chronic Illness: A Conversation With Meghan O’Rourke
Human proteome blueprint

High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released

Like the draft “shotgun” Human Genome Project of the Human Genome Organization (HUGO), the HPP has now reached a significant decadal milestone of more than 90 percent completion of the Human Proteome that is referred to as the human proteome “parts list.”

High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released
High‑Stringency Human Proteome Blueprint Released
Dr. Jeff Ranish and Dr. Mark Gillespie

Mysteries of Cell Fate Unlocked with New Measurement and Modeling Techniques 

In the cellular process of differentiation, information about the concentrations of an important class of proteins residing in a cell’s nucleus has been lacking, a missing link needed for scientists to fully understand how the process works. ISB researchers have quantified this important class of proteins that play a key role in the formation of red blood cells.

Mysteries of Cell Fate Unlocked with New Measurement and Modeling Techniques 
Mysteries of Cell Fate Unlocked with New Measurement and Modeling Techniques 

ISB Researchers Seek a Better Way to Identify Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) has been a frequent injury among U.S. combatants, and blast-related mTBI has been called the “signature injury” from military conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. ISB researchers are working to develop new methods to identify molecular changes in the blood of war veterans diagnosed with chronic mTBI.

ISB Researchers Seek a Better Way to Identify Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
ISB Researchers Seek a Better Way to Identify Chronic Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
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